BETH’S NEWS #19 – Sarah Palin Judge Influences Jury??

2 years ago

Organizers of the Freedom Convoy in Canada arrested :

Now they are going to take the pets away too:

In America we had a summer of burning buildings, looting and turning over police cars, people were hurt and some killed. Many in our Congress and the press referred to this as mostly peaceful protests –

In Canada the Truckers and others who are protesting the Tyrannical measures are being called, racists insurrectionists and the worst thing of all Trump supporters. Their funds were frozen they are being arrested and Trudeau issued Marshall law.

I am not Canadian have only been to that beautiful Country twice in my life, but as a freedom loving American, I stand with freedom loving Canadians. Unfortunately, what I see in the so-called feckless leaders in this country, I am also seeing in Justin Trudeau.
Prime Minister Trudeau, you sir is forming a legacy for yourself of a spineless cowardly would be dictator. In my book none of those words are words of flattery, nor are they meant to be. If that is the legacy you want, then have at it, but if not now is your chance and I will say most likely your only chance to change that. You have an opportunity to swallow your pride, a bitter tasting pill going down, but once swallowed will free you to do the right thing and go down in History as a man brave enough, with guts enough to admit he is wrong.

You say you are standing with the people who want their lives back, is that why you knelt before the BLM members?
You sir are at a turning point, and you can turn this whole thing around, or you will go down in history as the spineless coward that you are. You are what you have always been a spoiled brat.
It is up to you; the choice is yours You can stand on the side of freedom or tyranny.
You have been given the same choice we are all given, to be on the side of good or evil. Right now, you are calling good evil and evil good. But like all of us, you will reap what you have sown. Be careful what you sow.

Meanwhile in Western Canada: Violent Leftists with Axes Attack Canadian Gas Pipeline Company — Try to Torch Vehicle with Workers Inside, Cause MILLIONS of Dollars in Damages… Where’s Trudeau?

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