Glenn Beck RePlay : Wednesday Special, Who’s REALLY Running the Biden Administration!

3 years ago

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Over the past decade, some of the Left’s favorite villains have been the Koch brothers and their big spending on Republican political causes. After the 2016 election, Democrats kicked their own dark money operation into overdrive. Glenn heads to the chalkboard to expose the far-left funding network that now DWARFS any spending by Republicans. $1.2 billion was spent to put Joe Biden in the White House and help Democrats gain control of Congress. But the dark money operatives didn’t stop at securing the election. The funds are behind every major Democrat initiative, from picking Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee to ending the filibuster and changing voting laws. While President Biden bumbles through press conferences and slurps an ice cream, untouchable elites hiding behind nonprofits are using their wealth to ensure the progressive destruction of America.

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