Honkening Trampled

3 years ago

Article: https://archive.ph/KTpM3

I did not realize they were still mostly there. I'll eat that one.

I should smile when I record my videos. People need to hear the truth but don't want to hear it from an angry rant.

Basedandretardia: Of Dildos and Mexico newest page:

Latest Music Video “American Dragoons Retake San Franshitsco”: https://odysee.com/@Heraclius610:e/American-Dragoons-Retake-San-Franshitsco:6

Website: https://heraclius610.com/

How to engage in activism: https://effectiveactivist.com/intro/
How to start a revolution: https://archive.ph/n413P
How to make Frens: https://archive.vn/D1ZZW
How to build a Fren Movement: https://archive.vn/4HZpZ

Civic Orgs:
Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom: https://www.ohioamf.org/
Novaxmandate: https://novaxmandate.org/
Ohio Stands Up: https://www.ohiostandsup.org/
1776 Commission: Your local area
Buckeye Firearms Association: https://www.buckeyefirearms.org/
Gun Owners of America: https://www.gunowners.org/
Look Ahead America (Not 100% about these guys): https://lookaheadamerica.org/

My free speech tech pages:
Gab Profile: https://gab.com/Heraclius610
Minds Profile: https://www.minds.com/heraclius610/
Pocketnet Profile: https://pocketnet.app/heraclius610
Xephula: https://xephula.com/Heraclius610
Poa.st: https://poa.st/@Heraclius610
Pillowfort.social: https://www.pillowfort.social/Heraclius610

Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Heraclius610:e
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/heraclius610
GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/Heraclius610
Roxytube: https://www.roxytube.com/@Heraclius610

SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/heraclius610

My gaming channel: https://odysee.com/@Heraclius610Gaming:e

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