Civil War: A Nation Divided Xbox 360 - Part 2 Confederates

3 years ago

Civil War: A Nation Divided (2006) was developed by Cauldron HQ and published by Activision with assistance by the History Channel.

Civil War: AND is a first person historical shooter before Call of Duty 4 standardized FPS controls for the genre. The levels are linear and fairly short, but, this was a budget game so that is excusable. What is more interesting is being put in the shoes of either a Confederate or Union soldier with fairly historically accurate weapons. Games based on the Civil War, especially FPS games, are very rare.

I will give my rating for the game once it is completed based off of my new and simple rating system. The game will get one of five ratings based solely on my experience while playing through it: Horrible (rare rating), Bad, Average, good, and Great (rare rating).

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Part 2

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