The Ekklesia Project - Episode 58

3 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this episode, we look at 1 Corinthians 9:3- 14. Here, Paul makes his defense should anyone doubt his assertion in 8:13 where he states he would cease eating meat the rest of his life if food might make his brother stumble. Having established he was a free man and an apostle, Paul puts forth a series of informative and clever arguments supporting his claim that while living with the Corinthians, Paul had a right to obtain free room and board together with other necessities he may have required, just as was provided to the rest of the apostles, namely, the brothers of the Lord and Peter. We analyze the link between the illustrations Paul references, i.e., the soldier, vineyard planter, and the shepherd, to the actual work Paul performed for the benefit of the Corinthian ekklesia. We also examine Paul's conclusion regarding the purpose of the esoteric law concerning the muzzling of an ox while threshing, and how Paul applies this understanding to formulate the heavenly principle of giving project laborers a small stake in the success of the project. Accordingly, those who sow spiritual things in a people attain a small stake in the success of the spiritual things sown should the people produce fruit.

Finally, we discover the link Paul makes between the sacred services performed in the Old Covenant temple and itinerant evangelists proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God. Paul states that just as those performing sacred services at the temple were entitled to eat from the sacrifices offered, so did Jesus grant those travelling evangelists proclaiming the gospel the right to free room and board from those being serviced. Thus, the preaching of the gospel is likened to performing sacred services at the temple, which under the New Covenant is the ekklesia of God. Accordingly, this link Paul makes is further confirmation that the gospel of the kingdom of God must include the full teaching of the true ekklesia of God. as the New Covenant temple of God.

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