Constitutional audit of City Alderman meeting 5pm

3 years ago

Second meeting of the night 2-15-22

you can donate to me on cash app$SeanBastert

for every $1 donation my thanks
it goes to support my work and puts bread on the table(it might not be a lot but it means alot)

for every $5 donation I will personaly give you a shout
out in one of my videos

for every $10 I will feed one homeless person in Aurora a sack lunch value of $4

for Every $20 donation $1 will go to a Small Church
or start up Charity of your choice.

for every $40 donation $5 will go to a small church or
start up Charity of your choice

for every $60 donation $10 will be donated to a small church or start up Charity of your choice or a small business or start up company if your choice

for every $100 donation $40 will be donated to a small church or start up Charity, or a small business or start up company of your choice.

come find me on Twitter and Facebook and gab
soon Odyssey and Rumble and bitchute.
my Twitter

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