Apocrypha Jeremiah Letter the Prophet Was Omitted

2 years ago

4 Baruch 3:10-11 "And YHWH said: Consign them to the earth, saying: Hear, earth, the voice of your creator, who founded you upon the waters, who sealed you with seven seals for seven epochs, and after this you will receive your ornaments. Guard the vessels of the temple service until the gathering of the beloved."

It is by Elohim's Hand Jerusalem Will be Destroyed

1 It came to pass, when the children of Israel were taken captive by the king of the Chaldeans, that YHWH spoke to Jeremiah saying: “Jeremiah, my chosen one, arise and depart from this city, you and Baruch, since I am going to destroy it because of the multitude of the sins of those who dwell in it. 2 For your prayers are like a solid pillar in its midst, and like an indestructible wall surrounding it. 3 Now, then, arise and depart before the host of the Chaldeans surrounds it.”

4 And Jeremiah answered, saying: “I beseech you, YHWH, permit me, your servant, to speak in your presence.”

5 And YHWH said to him: “Speak, my chosen one Jeremiah.”

6 And Jeremiah spoke, saying: “YHWH Almighty, would you deliver the chosen city into the hands of the Chaldeans, so that the king with the multitude of his people might boast and say: ‘I have prevailed over the holy city of Elohim?’ 7 No, my YHWH, but if it is your will, let it be destroyed by your hands.”

9 “For neither the king nor his host will be able to enter it unless I first open its gates. 10 Arise, then, and go to Baruch, and tell him these words. 11 And when you have arisen at the sixth hour of the night, go out on the city walls and I will show you that unless I first destroy the city, they cannot enter it.”
12WhenYHWH had said this, he departed from Jeremiah.

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