Why Trump attacks leaders of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei and Turkey, President Erdogan?

2 years ago

Why doesTrump attack Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran and President Erdogan of Turkey?

If the decade of the 2020’s hasn’t taught us anything else… it has taught us GOD knew all this craziness was going to happen. All of it.

Just when you think you have it figured out… BOOM!
Everything you thought goes flying out the window.
Yet, the BIBLE prophecies of GOD keep happening… They are the anchors, the lights guiding the way.

With that said… we can speculate on things like how, where, when, why, a prophecy will happen. Yet, we got to be open to letting the prophecy reveal itself and harvest the hindsight.

In speculating why Trump will attack Ayatollah Khamenei and President Erdogan of Turkey, my guess at this point… is because of a few things.

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