What is the Sylent Green Cigar?

3 years ago

February 18th, Kerr Viajante, and Kevin Shahan talk about the all-new Sylent Green Cigar blended for us by Sinistro Cigars.

Only 250 Buddy Bundles were made and you can get yours here

You can find Kerr Viajante online at:
Instagram at →https://www.instagram.com/vsrcigarfam
Online at →https://www.vsrcigarfam.com
Online at →https://www.stogieroadcigars.com

For relaxing and peaceful sounds to relax to, make sure you check out our other channel, Ponderation Sounds.
Lose the stress, and find yourself.

Make sure you check out our other YouTube channel, the Broadleaf Bullies.
Jessica and I sit with our friends Kerr and Jennifer of Stogie Road Cigars and talk about family, cigars, music, food, and just life in general.
Check us out at www.broadleafbullies.com for links to where you can find our podcast.

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Jessica's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jessicambrandt

Check out the Cigar prop Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/cigarprop/
To join the I'd Tap That Cigar Club on Facebook

Check out www.cigarprop.com for quality custom portable cigar rests and other accessories.
Check out Trash Panda Cigars for some cool cigars and swag.

#cigars #cigar #cigarprop

Thanks for watching, and we hope you will purchase a Buddy Bundle and come on this journey with us!

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