Dr Reiner Fuellmich and crimes against humanity

2 years ago

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, crimes against humanity under the guise of a coronavirus on a global scale. You will see four sets of facts.
1) There’s no chrona pandemic but a PCR test plandemic driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They’re using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they own to convey their panic propaganda twenty-four seven.
2) The virus can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C and D, zinc and, also with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin etc. But, all these real methods of treatment were banned by those using the guise of this plandemic to get everyone to receive this highly dangerous lethal experimental injection.
3) These people changed the definition of what a pandemic is and then created this chorona pandemic. And we see that our governments are not our governments anymore. Rather they’ve been taken over by the World Economic Forum through their ‘Young Global Leaders Platform.’ Some of their graduates are Angela Merkle Germany, Bill Gates USA, Justin Trudeau Canada, Jacinda Ardern New Zealand, Emmanuel Macron France, Mark Zuckerberg USA, Anderson Cooper USA, etc. These crimes have gone unchallenged because they’re aiding and abetting those who commit them.
4) Their purpose is to gain complete control of over all of us. This includes destroying our small and medium sized business so that we ultimately agree to losing our national and cultural identity. This includes population control with the experimental mRNA injection as well. It also includes the deliberate destruction of democracy, the rule of law, and our constitutions through chaos. Their 2030 objective is ‘One World Government’ under ‘The United Nations,’ which has already come under the full control of the World Economic Forum in 2019. They want to create a digital currency which will be issued only by their World Bank. They also want digital passports to monitor and track all your movements.
When you’ve heard all the evidence, we’re confident that indictments will be issued for Christian Drosten, Anthony Fauci, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, Blackrock and Phizer.

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