Evil actions of governments, corporations, and people - topic intro

2 years ago

As we approach this topic, let’s remember our brothers and sisters who are just as in need of Jesus’ atonement as we. Praise Heavenly Father and his only begotten son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who made it possible and made it a commandment to love one another… including our enemies.

Praise GOD that we are not to hate, hold grudges, get angry. Praise GOD we are to love those who do evil, those who are our enemies. Praise GOD we are to pray for them, and do the Father’s will concerning those evil actions of governments, corporations, and people.

We have seen and are seeing evil in the highest places of government in the USA and other countries… eh?!

They are willingly rebelling against ALL MIGHTY GOD! How my heart aches for them! How I hope and pray they will see the errors of their ways!

With the love of GOD let’s encourage them to do what’s right. With encouragement to those in positions to enforce laws let’s pray and pitch in to help justice prevail.

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