Industrial Era: Vox Populi (With In-Game Editor) Civilization V Mod Let's Play Part 5

3 years ago

Disclaimer: for ease of uploading/file size, certain portions of wait times have been edited out.

On this video of Vox Populi I go through the Industrial Era, though some technology in this era was researched on the last video, I also build the Effiel Tower and Summer Palace wonders and bring Mount Sinai under our borders with one of 3 cities founded in this video. I also show the Civilopedia entries for the Summer Palace (make your diplomatic units nobility), Cruiser (twice, I forgot the first time while recording), Herbalist (the description is historical information/backstory and not medical advice), Agribusiness (it uses 2 horses and gives a 2 gold and food bonus to farm and pastures, I hope they aren't fertilizing the said tile improvements with horsemeat), and refinery (I got nothing here).

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0:00: On this video we go through the industrial era of Vox Populi.

1:21: Too much micromanaging for the speed of this playthrough.

2:30: let's Expand with some settlers.

2:51: Nobility, implying descrimination based on the status of being related to royalty.

4:10: he's got dyes, so yes, for now.

5:30: Cruiser description.

6:14: and Mount Sinai is ours.

7:00: This is historical info and backstory, not medical advice.

9:07: We got a source of dyes inside our territory.

9:43: It reduces the cultural cost of adopting new policies, could be useful.

10:07: I've been exploring with the wrong unit, it stops in rough terrain.

11:54: I got old units in my military, I keep pouring my money into new buildings.

13:38: I think I forgot to show this on previous videos.

14:05: This is good news.

15:56: Crusier description, It's possible I forgot I covered this already when I recorded this video.

16:49: Agribusiness, it uses 2 horses, I hope to god they aren't using horsemeat as fertilizer.

18:44: Refinery description.

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