Defending Liberty: Refuting Anti Libertarianism

2 years ago

There are a lot of anti libertarians I come across and there is always the same old recurring arguments, the usual anti capitalist rhetoric about there being some dangerous concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, or that it would lead to monopolies, oligopolies and cartels. One common argument you will hear is the claim that capitalism is either the same thing as cronyism (corporatism) or is the early stages of corporatism.

In this response I decided to respond on a particular comment I received, the typical anti libertarianism with the usual anti capitalist nonsense. The funny thing is, everything he proclaims to stand against, he is essentially supporting by upholding a mixed economy. The argument he makes regarding "evening the playing field" doesn't make rational sense as the mixed economy has done anything but such a thing. This common argument based on equality isn't just something you find with Marxists but many of those who value the mixed economy.

As I have pointed out numerous times before, there is a colossal difference between the protectionism of corporatism and that of capitalism and perhaps I could get around to doing a video in particular on that subject illustrating the differences. It is important to note, however, free markets are not the cause for why corporatism exists, you can't blame the freedom of a market for the fault of government intervention even if someone tries to claim it's the natural state. To justify the fault, which is government intervention, is to basically support the causal effects. Having freedom of the market FROM the state's interference isn't the problem.

Again, much like Marxists, his claims are baseless, whether it's on monopolies, the dangerous concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, or what equals things out. As history has proven, nothing even comes close to free market economies for opportunity and lifting the masses out of poverty, the world's most successful economies as I've pointed out numerous times before were the likes of Hong Kong, Singapore and even Sweden for a period when they were free markets.

The absolutist mentality these people have where they assume that if something isn't exactly 100% then that must mean it either does not work or that free markets don't exist. It's such a myopic overly simplistic worldview of economics and political history, the world doesn't work that way.

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