Klaus Schwab on Joe Biden: "One of the Hardest Working Participants At Davos"

3 years ago

The "leaders" Klaus Schwab likes most are those who are HATED by their people. Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Emmanual Macron are some of those willing to sell out their people for the delusional pipe dreams of Klaus Schwab. Interesting how Klaus Schwab has established himself in such a way as to avoid any responsibility.

#KlausSchwab #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #BuildBackBetterCult #BuildBackBetter #DAVOS #GreatReset #Agenda2030 #contagion #Covid1984 #RemembertheNames #nurembergcode #nurembergtrialsforcovid #Informedconsent #mrnavaccines #4thindustrialrevolution #vaccinemandates #JoeBiden

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