The Church of Jesus Christ Come Follow Me The Old Testament Bible Genesis 18-23 (God Commands Abraham to Sacrifice His Son)

3 years ago

Join us this week for the great story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Also we will look at what the name Isaac means; The Story of Sodom and Gomorrah; Lot's wife turns into a salt pillar; Abraham once again sells his wife to a king in order to grow even richer; Abraham becomes the first divorced prophet of record; and God's greatest promises and blessings are given to Abraham.

For baptism:

Come increase your testimony of Jesus Christ through the expository preaching of Dr. D. Todd Harrison. With more than 585,000 followers on Facebook alone, Dr. Harrison is one of the most well respected and followed Church Leaders/Preachers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thousands have reached out to the missionaries for baptism or for further study after hearing his videos or having read his written messages. Come join us for his Spirit filled preaching.

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