Washington’s Armor | Premiering Feb. 18, 7 PM ET | Trailer

3 years ago

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Washington’s Armor “The Journey”, is the heroic tale of young George Washington surviving in the wilderness against all odds. This largely untold story depicts his miraculous journey which shaped his life as our founding father and the nation that would change the world.

The film is a historical feature film trilogy depicting the untold adventures of young George Washington 20 years prior to the revolutionary war. In the first volume, “The Journey”, he undergoes expeditions where no one else would dare go and risks his life multiple times to protect the British land from the French. A man of courage, integrity, and great faith, his journey to becoming our nation’s first president is one of many trials and miracles not known by most today. This story must be told to make known the amount of sacrifice and perseverance our founders went through and how God’s hand was on them in order to give us the very freedoms that we are at risk of losing today.

“By the miraculous care of providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectations; for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me yet escaped unhurt….”
–George Washington.

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