The David Knight Show 18Feb22 - Unabridged

2 years ago

* Trudeau awakens the world to banking surveillance, chokepoints and CBDC. Will it backfire? Has it created a bank run?
* Meet the Canadians holding the line
* What's your ESG (Environmental Social Governmental) score?
* Trudeau vilifies, bullies and calls his opponents names — but don't compare him to Hitler. Castro is a much better fit
* Disney's "Fresh" celebrates live vivisection & cannibalism, drug cartels practice it as occult ritual and intimidation, Fauci calls it "research". Then there's children whose bodies are being mutilated for trans agenda with medical fees crowdfunded on GoFundMe
* More insurers see MASSIVE increase in non-Covid deaths coinciding with jabs. Coincidence theory?
* Umbilical stem cells, no ethical issues with abortion, are producing dramatic results — therefore FDA moves to stop
* Florida GOP pushes legal immunity for hospitals following CMS' harmful directives

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