Canada's Government has NOT met the requirements needed to declare the "Emergencies Act"

3 years ago

The Canadian Government is trying to deem SPEECH and non-violent Protests, which are protected under Canada's "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" as "Violence" in order to justify the declaration of the Emergencies Act, which authorizes REAL FORCE AND VIOLENCE against Canadian Citizens who have not been violent, and have NOT even violated the law, in order to declare LEGAL PROTESTS as "Illegal!"

What you are witnessing is an attempt to change LANGUAGE ITSELF for the sole purpose of avoiding compliance with legitimate laws! It is 110% UNLAWFUL!

You are watching as a #Criminal government breaks the law, specifically to try to avoid being held accountable to THE PEOPLE they are supposed to "Represent" and to violate the Rights of those People as guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms!

This is TYRANNY on a level never before witnessed in modern history!

The truth is that Justin Trudeau is a Criminal, there is EVIDENCE showing that he has violated several laws and is guilty of Genocide!

There is evidence of Racketeering, Fraud, colluding with drug makers against the people he is supposed to represent, AND he's now guilty of violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by violating every Canadian's NATURAL, INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS!

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