BLACK SWAN ALERT: VAIDS VAX SLOWLY KILLS BILLIONS - War against antibodies & DNA in 12 billion doses

2 years ago

JUST IN: BLACK SWAN ALERT: ELITIST APOLOGY and ADMISSION PHASE OF DE-POP OPERATION IS IN FULL FLIGHT. Bonafide virologist researchers (not lawyers)@ 2 hours 14 minutes. 2:14
You may ask … "How can we stop this evil plan? What can we or a loved one do if they have already been jabbed or poisoned with Remdesivir?"


For pharma/ Ivermectin/Hydroxy orders:

In our 3 prior reports (White Swan rising etc.) we give healing vaccine remedies - also for Long Covid" symptoms. WHITE SWAN RISING: This is a no-nonsense complete video guide which reveals EVERY healing remedy needed for Spike protein damage repair within the human body.

A remedy for Tiamat toxic mRNA / Remdesivir venomous adverse effects on human circulatory system and organs is  IVERMECTIN (anti- inflammatory - helps interdict both short &  injury to the vaccinated)


Wake up friends. The cold truth is that in Vitro and in Vivo clinical lab research on the devastating impact that mRNA vaccines would have on the human immunity system were well known to Big Fed, Big Pharma & Big Tech long ago - (i.e. there was no "Operation Warp Speed")

And so, for those of us here who were outside looking in, there is now solid evidence that the mRNA vaccines are causing immunological disease on a geometric, global scale. Sadly, this is happening in COVID-19 vaccinated humans - all 5.5 billion who were cajoled, scared or compelled to take it.

Now with just a little time passed and with a research data flow and clearer hindsight, political & medical experts are privately referring to this as a "Black Swan Event" - an devastating event of epoch proportions in all of world history.


Brilliant, clever and diabolical, the Global Reset Geo-planners have embarked on an admission of mRNA vaccine failure. They are already apologizing (microbiologist with Pfizer team 2:14) and this tact will be their defense. The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated on mankind by the stakeholders of these mRNA vaccines will be incalculable.

They will now come with their carefully scripted admissions of "honest failure" in the development and delivery of these cursed mRNA vaccines. They will ask for mercy and forgiveness and under Trump and Biden have received legal immunity already. The foolish who willingly took their experimental jabs will gladly accept their political and medical idols justifications for killing them and their loved ones. This is already happening - yes, even at Trump rallies. The apologies will be slick and profuse, Their unethical sundry defenses will now flow out of them like a river - but do not accept them for one Nano second. They knew what they were doing all along and a lot of blood money was earned along the way.

The millions of earlier deaths and disabilities though gradual and over time will help their cover. The continuum of death will occur within myriads of bodies worldwide stealthy quiescence.

So now many scientific, medical & political leaders are privately admitting that their grand "mistake" will result in human suffering & death far worse in world population and in proportional percentages than the Bubonic or Black Plagues - far worse than both World Wars etc.

STORY @ 2 hours 14 minutes (2:14)

WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?: Learn who were and are the élite, diabolical players behind the scenes regarding the roll out and delivery of these totally "experimental" gene therapy 'vaccines". Listen to scientists (now even on Pfizer's side) and researchers explain their most recent findings as to what is going on at the most basic, elemental and molecular level regarding the scrambling enzymic signals of the human cell - learn how these demonic, messenger RNA strands from the vaccine are damaging the DNA of human cells, making it incapable of repairing itself, instigating human antibodies within our sacred immunity systems TO WAR AGAINST THEMSELVES. It is in fact, the great micro world WAR OF THE ANTIBODIES that has now been injected into 5.5 billion innocents world wide.

WHAT WE CAN DO: In the second part of this series we will give a complete summary of natural (nutraceutical) and safe pharmaceutical remedies - the healthy response; the treatment for physical, political and spiritual restitution that MUST BE MADE for the majority of humanity to survive the onslaught by globalist, population control social engineers using this most deadly Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome as a tool to what they truly believe will accomplish the salvation of Mother Earth. They are wrong.

This godless COVIDIAN CULT is evil through and through. But the LORD of LIFE is greater still. Luke 10:19

STOP BOWING TO THE FUHRER: Stop dying for your favorite political or religious "Fuhrer"regardless of your political affiliations. The Black Swan has alighted.

Now it's all about love, truth, you and your family's survival. Cast aside those who pretend to love the Lord yet in their deeds abhor Him.
They were canned patriots ans snakes who you took in because of silver tongued patriotic slogans and speeches and they are still on the sawdust trail.

Time is of the essence for you, your loved ones, family and friends- your entire community, to start the healing process. 1 Corinthians 10:13: God always provides a "way of escape" to those who are humble, who with filled with vibrant faith, hope and love and who are willing to be teachable in this the darkest of hours in human history.

With God ALL things are possible. Luke 1:37

Our prayers are with God's creation and His people everywhere.
The ancient prophet forewarns in love that without knowledge, without teaching, the people perish. Hosea 4:6
Let the healing begin.

God's blessings to all from InspoNews and The Good Shepherd News Channel.

Ephesians 3:20-21

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