Why the Church is in Decline - A Crisis in the Church

3 years ago

Why the Church is in Decline - A Crisis in the Church:

Studies are showing that religion and the practice of faith is falling dramatically across all the western countries, especially among the youth.
And this is very disconcerting. We are seeing what seems to be not just a decrease, but the collapse and demise of the most important of all essential elements for life. And this involves all religions, Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, and especially the Roman Catholic Religion, which is fundamental to all religions.
In one recent survey, it showed that in America, only 63% of Americans are Christian, and only about 40 percent regularly practice their faith in Church. And this is even worse for teenagers and our youth.
In fact, one survey just before the coronavirus lockdown, found that half of the country’s estimated 350,000 religious congregations had 65 or fewer people in attendance on any given weekend.
And this is true in virtually all the western countries, the European countries, US, Canada, Central American countries, even Brazil and Mexico – all formerly highly religious countries.
This video looks at the two factors underlying the decline in faith and the practice of religion. Those factors include persecution of the faithful, as well as modernism and progressivism, and the attempts by others in the sake of “Church Reform” to change Church teachings, Church Doctrine, Church Practices, and essentially to water down faith to make it more palatable to all, even though people are now not connecting with the True God and are leaving in droves.
In essence, to Renew the Church insiders in the Vatican are Reforming the Church, instead of Restoring the Church. And this is a major mistake and will only further lead to the dummying-down of Catholicism and the further erosion and decline of the One True Most Holy Church across the entire world.

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