BC Public Service Employees Speak Out - Zoran

3 years ago

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Zoran, a Registered Professional Forester and Senior Manager with the Mountain Resorts Branch in the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, currently based in Kamloops, has worked in the BC Public Service for almost 26 years. He, his wife and daughter came to Canada in 1994 seeking a new life after civil war and ethnic strife tore apart their native Bosnia. Zoran has been proud to serve the people of B.C. for more than a quarter century. He originally found the BC Public Service values to be close to his own personal values. Now he is concerned about a shift he has seen in how people treat each other. “I want the public not to judge people based on vaccination status and accept the decision about medical treatments that are deeply private, personal choices,” he says. “That would be my message to the public of British Columbia.” Zoran and his wife, also a B.C. public servant, are currently on leave without pay and expect to be terminated in April.

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