Healing from Parasites from the COVID Vaccines

3 years ago

On this zoom call, we discuss strategies for healing from the parasites that are in the COVID vaccines, masks and testing swabs and the vaccinated people who are shedding.

We also talk about how the parasites, specifically Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), are causing heart disease and clotting issues. This is because T. cruzi carries Chagas disease.

To heal, we have to (1) kill the parasites (2) correct nutritional deficiencies, and (3) heal emotional issues.

On the call are Ann Marie Michaels, Annie Catterall, Jodi Hadsell, and Jill Kearns.

My blog post about this: Are Parasites in the Vaccines Causing Heart Disease? https://www.annmariemichaels.com/parasites-in-vaccine-causing-heart-disease/

I learned so much on this call. I hope you find it valuable.

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