How its going in New Zealand for protesters #comedy

2 years ago

So in 10 days the NZ Protesters have set up an admin tent,

a first aid tent tended to by QUALIFIED DRs and NURSES mandated out of a job,

a school system for the children lead by Qualified teachers, mandated out of a job,

church for every denomination,

a 'TIME OUT' tent for those that are not behaving well,

a mental health tent,

ALL Children and adults are being fed,
a Security team helped out by those mandated out of jobs such as Police ,

rubbish collection, drainage system,

they are supporting local businesses by organising non contact deliveries of coffee etc,

they have a rubbish collection team,

laundry tent,

clothing for those that need it,

are offered showers by Wellington residents, yoga tent, massage tent, it just goes on.

They have achieved more in 10 days than what was achieved in two years.

The government has now told everyone NOT to get tested UNLESS you feel ill, in contradiction to their 24 month message, because 10,000 health professionals and testing techs are striking.

The protesters have no masks, no social distancing no segregation and are actually offering free hugs to strangers and people are loving it.

The grounds they are in are spotless and they have portaloos. They have been threatened and abused and still standing and holding the line.

Copied and pasted this wasn't written by me.


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