Former UN staff member Claire Edwards: "'The CV-19 Genocide of 2020-Ongoing

3 years ago

Video from October 2020, still relevant

This is the best breakdown and summary I have seen on the ongoing 2020 UN-World Economic Forum-“Crown” COVID-19, world economic lockdown, OWS (Operation Warp Speed) vaccine genocide and remote tracking and digital-enslavement program.

It is entirely possible, however, that this piece is intended to test-float the idea of an “out” for the primary perps, some of whom are named near the end of the article. As a “targeted individual” and one who is already subject to these barbarous torture technologies, of course, I find the proposed punishment for the “perps,” who are also behind G5 (Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide Gestapo), to be laughably inadequate. Justice requires far greater punishment for the primary perps. Yes, I agree that a new, international Nuremberg Trial-investigation is required now.
Hey 👋 beautiful souls. This is only if you're willing and are one
of those who aren't drastically affected by the tough times humanity
is facing at the moment. If you find it in your hearts, please consider buying me a coffee 💚
or just rumble the video and other peoples comments 😊
Love you guy's, you're all warriors in this fight for humanity and every one of you
are doing an amazing job, thank you

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