Terrain the Film

3 years ago

A clip from "Terrain the film"
Andrew Kaufman M.D. and Marcelina Cravat teamed up to produce the film. You can find it at: https://terrainthefilm.com/

In 2020 Marcelina Cravat was introduced to the work of Andrew Kaufman M.D. when he was thrust onto a worldwide stage for debunking the mainstream narrative of a viral pandemic by sifting through all of the published documentation that justified a tyrannical worldwide lockdown. As the mandates rolled out Marcelina Cravat sought to satisfy her curiosity and concerns for truthful information and called Dr. Andy out of the blue, who fortunately on that day, picked up his phone. Marcelina, realizing she had a unique talent to present this valuable information to the world, sought to provide a strong outlet.Given the seriousness of the world situation and the public’s misguided perceptions of reality, there was no time to waste. The time was ripe, and quickly very interesting ideas began to take form and TERRAIN was born.

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