Junk Silver Supply & Demand Update - 90% Silver Coin Sales on the Increase & Supply on the Decrease

3 years ago

The #junksilver supply is dwindling and it has some coin collectors and silver stackers jumping on what little supply is left on Walking Liberty Half Dollars as well as other junk silver and constitutional silver is left for the taking.

We monitor major retailers such as #apmex and #sdbullion to see when they restock, sell out, or build their supply to comfortable levels to help determine how the stockpiles of silver coinage is holding up.

CoinCollector.org Article on #JunkSilver premiums and demand mentioned in this video: https://www.coincollector.org/90-silver-coin-premiums-soar-as-demand-continues-to-outstrip-supply/

--------------------- WALKING LIBERTY HALVES ----------------------
- Here is the link to the Microscope used in many of my videos: https://amzn.to/3KUwXd2
- Whitman US Walking Liberty Half Dollar Coin Album 1916 - 1947 : https://amzn.to/3gx0D1X

- EBAY: https://www.ebay.com/sch/kysan_2798/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=

- Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1324911
- Subscribe on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/WalkingLibertyHalves

---------------------------- Silver Half Dollars ----------------------------
#junksilver #silver #coins #coincollecting #coinhunting #coinhunter #silverstacking #silvercoin #money #coins #eBay #WalkingLibertyHalfDollars #SilverHalfDollars #CoinUnroll #CoinHunting #RollHunting #constitutionalsilver

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