北京宣布加拿大邮件传播omicron 病毒

3 years ago

Beijing announces Canada Mail spreading Omicron virus

Recently, the Chinese government said that an email sent from Toronto, Canada, was the origin of the community transmission of the omicron virus in Beijing. This reminds me of the rumor that the CCP spread around the world last year, saying that an athlete sent by the United States to China to participate in the Military World Games brought the new crown virus into China, causing the outbreak in Wuhan.

Based on these bad deeds of the CCP, I prudently advise Australian athletes to be extra careful when they travel to Beijing, China for the Winter Olympics. Don't be "became" a foreigner who transmits the virus to China!

北京宣布加拿大郵件傳播Omicron 病毒

近期中共政府說,加拿大多倫多寄出的一封郵件,是北京omicron 病毒社區傳播的起源。這讓我想起了去年中共曾指责美國派往中國參加世界軍人運動會的某個運動員,把新冠病毒帶入了中國,導致了武漢疫情的爆發。


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