When people try EVERYTHING ELSE but Jesus! #shorts

3 years ago

PSA: Nothing in this entire world will ever satisfy the emptiness in our hearts EXCEPT JESUS!!


So often we try to find happiness and meaning and belonging & satisfaction in this life and we look ALLLLLLLL over the place EXCEPT Jesus!

We try diets, work outs, new clothes, drugs, alcohol, buying new toys, houses, impressing people, posting on social media trying to paint a pretty impressive picture of our lives, ALLLLL the while silencing our true hearts desire (intimacy with jesus), and NEEEEEVVVERRRRRR even opening up the Bible. Or at least it's like TH ELAST GO TO!

But let me tell you from personal experience and the experience of EVERY ONE EVER! NOTHING IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD WILL EVER SATISFY YOUR HEART & SOUL EXCEPT JESUS!

NOTHING can compare to a daily, close relationship, listening to Him, knowing Him, actually following Him. NOTHING COMPARES TO THAT!

But the GOOD NEWS is that Jesus is actually the easiest one out of all of that to "try". The Bible says, taste and see that the Lord is good." He is literally RIGHT THERE waiting to help you, and is ACTIVELY wooing you into a deeper PERSONAL healing relationship with Himself.

Like simply put, INTIMACY WITH JESUS SHOULD BE THE TOP PRIORITY OF YOUR LIFE FROM HERE ON OUT! And everything else should start to bow out & take a wayyyyy back seat compared to that pursuit.

And it simply starts with talking to Him (which is all that prayer is), opening up the Bible and reading it, maybe even talking to a friend or mentor that can help you look to Him.

Make Jesus & His Word the FIRST thing you try next time, and THAT will make a whole new you this year, I GUARANTEE IT!

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