Swimmer films herself moments after she was bitten on her foot by SHARK in Florida

2 years ago

A swimmer who was bitten on the ankle by a 6ft shark while she was snorkelling told how she saved her foot from amputation - by punching the creature in the face.

Heather West, 42, was out snorkelling with some friends around Loggerhead Key at Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida when she had the terrifying experience.

The group were exploring Little Africa Reef when the sea became too choppy for them to snorkel, so they decided to turn back and have a picnic on the beach.

They swam in a single file line back to the shore, with Heather bringing up the rear.

Heather, from, Houston, Texas, said: "I was really excited to explore Loggerhead with these guys I'd met travelling, as they were experienced snorkelers.

"When we got in everything was fine, but then the water became really rough and tidal so we decided to head back.

"That's when I got a strange feeling that something was wrong, and funnily enough i felt the tug on my ankle.

"I originally thought one of the others was just being silly, but after the second pull I knew exactly what was happening.

"I turned on my back to see this huge beast with my foot in its mouth, so I instinctively started kicking it in the face with my other foot."

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