White hamster playing baby

3 years ago

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Pet Animal

Description Hamsters are rodents belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae, which contains 18 species classified in seven genera. They have become established as popular small house pets.

The best-known species of hamster is the golden or Syrian hamster, which is the type most commonly kept as pets.

Gestation period: Roborovski dwarf hamster: 22 days

Class: Mammalia

Lifespan: Roborovski dwarf hamster: 3 years, Chinese hamster: 2 – 3 years

Mass: Roborovski dwarf hamster: 20 – 25 g

Chinese hamster: 30 – 45 g

Chinese striped hamster: 17 – 31 g

If you are thinking about getting a pet hamster for you or a child it is important that you know how to choose one, what supplies you need, and how to feed and care for your new pet.

Hamsters are typically low-maintenance pets but proper care is essential to keeping it happy and healthy.

7 Things to Know About Hamsters

Experience Level: Beginner
Size: Dwarf hamsters grow up to 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm) long. Syrians grow up to 7 inches (18 cm) long
Lifespan: Hamsters live for approximately 2 years
Sleep Patterns: Hamsters are nocturnal and mostly active at night
Diet: As omnivores, hamsters feed on plants and greens
On the Move: Hamsters have fur-lined pouches that extend from their head to their shoulders used to transport food

Choose a Healthy Hamster

Not every hamster in the pet store is in optimal health. Moving from a breeder or supplier to a store can be a stressful period for baby hamsters, and they will often get sick from it.

Choose an active hamster and one that doesn't look like it has a wet rear end or watery eyes. Both eyes should be open and ideally the hamster will be eating or running around the cage.

If a cage seems to have a few sick hamsters, it is probably best to avoid buying any hamster from that group since ​hamster diseases are very contagious.

Choosing a hamster that is easy to tame is another factor to consider. Young hamsters will be easier to train and hand tame than older hamsters who may have had bad experiences or have never had human interaction.

Feeding Hamsters

Most people assume that a store-bought bag of hamster seed is what is best for a hamster but they actually need a variety of proteins, fruits, and vegetables to keep them healthy and happy.

Hamsters may pick and choose what they want to eat from seed mixtures and therefore will not receive a balanced diet. But if you offer a pelleted diet instead of a seed mixture and supplement it with a variety of other safe foods, you will be providing your hamster with everything it needs to thrive.

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