COVID Crimes Against Humanity Grand Jury - Day 3

3 years ago

The Grand Jury proceedings recorded in this video is intended to be witnessed by the citizens of the world. During these proceedings you will have the opportunity to view a substantial body of evidence which demonstrates Probable Cause to believe that crimes against humanity were committed by multiple and various individuals who knowingly and intentionally participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan to manufacture and sustain a fraudulent worldwide health pandemic (hereafter referred to as "The COVID-19 PSYOP") in violation of multiple forms of Law. The group of international attorneys who are acting as Prosecutors in this case will present real evidence from real people, including, but not limited to credible evidence and testimony from numerous scientists, historians, doctors, researchers, and witnesses who desire nothing more than to bring justice to the world by prosecuting these criminals and ending their diabolical crimes against humanity. The list of crimes to be investigated during these proceedings includes any and all acts or omissions to act by any person or persons who pursued a common objective to commit crimes against humanity, and to ensure that each and every defendant in this case is duly prosecuted and punished for his or her role in these crimes to the fullest extent permitted by Law.

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