May 14th 2032 = Israel 84th Year Anniversary

3 years ago

Barack Hussein Obama
Born. 4th August 1961
The 216th Day of the Year 6x6x6 = 216
Revelation 13:18 King James Bible
Wikipedia number 216
Movie Pi Faith in Chaos 1998
Movie Knowing 2009

Modern day Zionist State of Israel 14th May 1948.

Set up by a Luciferian/Satanic United Nations.

Rockafellar's / Rothchild's

Judaism "Synagogue of Satan".

Initially for Antichrist Obama and Pope Francis the False Prophet.

+ 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)

+ 4 Years 8 Months (48)

+ 2 Years 16 Days (216)

= August 4th 1961 "Rosemarys Baby" The Beast Man is Born.
Barack Hussein Obama.

14th May 1948. Zionist Israel is born.

+ 84 Years

= 14th May 2032 "The End"

Christs Millennial Kingdom to Begin?.

Biblical End of Days 2025 - 2032

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