Hare Krsna Speech at Ottawa Parliament 2022/02/12

3 years ago

Speech by Jivan Mukta dasa.
Kirtan by Gaura dasa.

"We are here today, as free and independent members of the Krsna consciousness movement and citizens of this great land, to lend our vocal and active support to all you brave and honourable men and women who have risked everything to focus attention and to lay bare the extent to which decay, corruption, depravity and thievery is currently festering in these buildings, these buildings that are purported to be bastions of Freedom. This protest is no longer about jab or no jab, it is about Freedom. The freedom to live our lives how we choose, for better or for worse.

Instead of feeling secure about our lives and property, instead of feeling secure and unfettered in exercising our Freedoms as enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights—that Freedom forged by God, Krsna, into the very fabric of our souls—we now assemble here to resist—peacefully—those who, through fear, threats and deception, would have us surrender that which gives life its vitality and purpose. Ultimately, this struggle is a spiritual struggle. Because life’s ultimate goal cannot be achieved without Freedom.

In the BG, despite Lord Sri Krsna wanting Arjuna to act according to His will, despite the Lord giving an exhaustive and comprehensive presentation as to why Arjuna should act according to the His will, Lord Krsna advised Arjuna to deliberate on the instructions fully and then do whatever he wishes to do. God doesn’t give us freedom, it is simply what we are. Freedom is an innate quality of the soul. It is inseparable from the individual soul as much as heat and light is inseparable from fire. And that’s why there is no limit to which people will not go to protect it. It is life itself.

We are eternal spiritual parts and parcels of the Supreme Eternal Spirit Lord Sri Krsna. We are not these material bodies. Our current experience in these bodies comprised of matter is temporary. But these bodies are at the same time indispensable in fulfilling the goal of human life. And what is the goal of life? It is the reawakening of our dormant love of God, Krsna. But there can be no love without freedom. Love requires Freedom. Love is a deliberate act of selfless giving that only has meaning if it is offered without coercion, without manipulation, without threats and without FEAR. That means that one must freely choose to love. Love is meaningless without freedom. Meaningless like a sun without heat and light or water without liquidity. And the greatest compassion is to fight for the right of the soul to achieve the highest perfection of love of God.

Five hundred years before Gandhi and Dr. MLK, the Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu lead the first recorded act of civil disobedience in Bengal against the tyrannical Kazi who had banned public chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord. Today, because of the Lord’s example we likewise are called to confront and resist sinful, degraded and godless forces that would take away fundamental freedoms.

This cause, this Freedom Rally, is a noble and essential movement. We pray that Lord Krsna blesses all of you and your loved ones, we pray that he blesses your efforts with all success and that He keeps you safe and free and that He draws you to the shelter of His Divine Love.

Now let us all invoke the Supremely Auspicious Lord by chanting His Holy Names."

Brought to you by the Hare Krsna Movement.

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