Dr. Flavio Cadegiani is measuring overwhelming proof of immune suppression in COVID vaxxed (VAIDS)

3 years ago

Dr. Flavio Cadegiani is following approximately 2000 patients intensively, with over 120 examinations per patient, ranging from immune markers to auto-immune disorders and thrombosis.

He is seeing real immune suppression in the COVID vaxxed on subpopulations of lymphocytes that looks a little bit like HIV when not treated. It's not HIV, but it looks like HIV.

Dr. Cadegiani is pointing to VAIDS ― Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency.

He also points to the rise in the Age Standardized Mortality Rate (ASMR) since the start of the mass vaccination campaign. He hopes that both VAIDS and the rise in mortality are temporary.

Even though he is "really skeptical about trusting data against vaccines, but data are starting to become overwhelming."


Segment taken from (starts around 1:13:07):

FLCCC Weekly Update Feb. 16, 2022: The Corruption of Medical Journals

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