Top of the Roman Bridge - view from the end (Roman Street remains)

3 years ago

So, here we are on which is supposed to be the end of the bridge where you can see how the stones of which the Roman masterpiece is made of, end up on a remains of a Roman street.

Here I finally walked all the way up, showing you the entire bridge and the amazing lateral view of the river and the nature, from the sides of it;

Now I will walked all the way down, doing the same, and you will get the view of the Roman bridge and the amazing view on the sides, from the top of it, which is even better.

You will have a better look, at least in my opionion, of how the stones of trachyte and limestone are embedded and put togheter beautifully, a full front view of the bridge from the top of it, and then it will be as if you were walking down on it!

As we did when we walked up. Depends on what you prefer.

Remember, watch them chronologically!
Start from the down part, the introduction (link below) and move on to the next one and the next one as we move up.

In doing so you will have a full experience, as if you were walking step by step on the Roman Bridge, and you will also find a complete description of the bridge and the tour, in the first video!

You can even watch some of them separetely, but you would miss a huge part of the tour!
It would be a pity!

Ok guys, don't forget if you like the content to put a rumble+ and to go back to watch my previous shots! Almost 60!

Don't miss them, and DON'T MISS the next, since it's gonna be wesome 👊

Let's walk down

Start from here:

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