Message to The Canadian Trucker Convoy, Canadian Truckers, Viva Frei justin trudeau

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The common law was inherited by Canada and its people! There is a common law, ancient right that belongs to the people.

Halsbury's Laws of England.

Contempt of Sovereign (aka Contempt of Statute).
559. Contempt of the Sovereign.

Criminal Law (Volume 25 (2020), paras 1–552; Volume 26 (2020), paras 553–1014) | Commentary

Still law. What does it do and what does it mean? Firstly, any person that ignores the Constitution is liable for contempt of sovereign under common law. It means the person has ignored the will of the sovereign. That means Judges, Law enforcement in fact anyone can be tried for this offence.

Why is it important? A declaration and a statute as the Bill of Rights 1688 is still in force and enforceable. The terms of this Glorious Revolution are still enforce and NO LAW can be introduced that revokes a right to petition (a demand from the people to the crown or the crown in parliament). The Truckers protest is "constitutional"! Justin Trudeau is acting unlawfully with his decree against peaceful petition. The Police would be acting unlawfully in removing the petitioners (protesters) against their will. It is illegal, and using commitments against you is unlawful, so is prosecution.

Article 5

Right to petition.

That it is the Right of the Subjects to petition the King and all Commitments and Prosecutions for such Petitioning are Illegall.

Coronation Oath Act 1688

Bill of Rights 1688

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