How To Lucid Dream In 9 SECONDS: FILD Technique Tutorial

7 years ago

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✨ READ THIS: How to induce a lucid dream in 9 seconds PART 2! If you’ve seen the first video, this is going to answer most of the questions and comments from that video, and explain a little bit more about it.

We had lots of questions about my first video saying ‘The video took 6 minutes but the title say 9 seconds’.

Let me explain: The technique, WHEN YOU PERFORM IT will take 9 seconds to induce a lucid dream. The technique WHEN I EXPLAIN IT to you in that video, takes 6 minutes to explain. Surely it’s obvious that I couldn’t fully explain a technique to you in 9 seconds.

Another big question was ‘can I move to turn my alarm off’. Yes you can. Make sure you alarm isn’t a panic sounding alarm and instead is a soft sounding or relaxing tone. This will let you wake up slowly, turn it off and then go back to sleep doing the FILD method.

How the FILD method works in very simple terms:

1: Set your alarm to go off 6 hours from when you go to sleep (If you are a gamer and don’t normally sleep until 4am this WON’T WORK for you, you’ll need to have a healthy sleep pattern where you normally go to sleep before midnight).

2: When your alarm goes off, slowly move, turn it off (ideally keeping your eyes closed but you can open them if you have to)

3: You’re going to go back to sleep now. Don’t move, don’t open your eyes, just relax.

4: AS YOU FALL ASLEEP, imagine you’re gong to move your first two fingers on one hand very slightly back and forwards. As if you’re alternating between pressing two keys on a keyboard that are next to eachother.

5: The reason you’re doing the finger movement is to DISTRACT yourself from your body falling asleep and you entering SLEEP PARALYSIS. Once you’ve gone past sleep paralysis and you’re just entering a dream, you’ll already be lucid.

Please experiment with it yourself, let me know how you get on. I’ll try and answer comments as well as fast as I can, but please try and help each other out in the comments section. I know I didn’t explain it as much as I should have done in the first video, however LOTS of people commented saying that it worked, and it worked FAST.

If yo actually learn the FILD technique, you'll be able to instantly lucid dream in 9 seconds or less. Do it wrong, and you'll end up in sleep paralysis. Good luck.

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