Elevating your Life | The Tyler Wagner Show - Tracy L. Clark

3 years ago

In this episode of The Authors Unite Show with ​ @Tracy L Clark - High Impact Energy Coach shares on Elevating your Life

She came into this world sick, riddled with ailments. She was born with her legs and hips detached, a pectus excavatum leaving a deep hole in her chest, stomach valve closed shut and an extremely damaged nervous system that caused excruciating pain. Over the course of her life, She have nearly died three times. Sickness, disease, and even a kidnapping were just some of the traumatic experiences She endured growing up. 17 years ago she made the difficult decision to leave a marriage that no longer served her. After leaving with her two young children, She was told that her body was shutting down again. She knew what was happening.

At that moment She was faced with a pivotal decision. As a single mother and sole caregiver for her two young girls, She had to make a choice, a choice to seek change and fight for her life.

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