The Unveiled Patriot - Convo #11: With Adriana Albritton

3 years ago

Adriana Albritton… 

Author, Blogger and Founder of her company Fit N All… 

Originally from Columbia and immigrated to the US when she was 18 years old. Currently lives in Long Island, New York and has been involved in the mental health field specializing in populations involved within the criminal justice system. Now she enjoys helping individuals head towards a healthier mental and physical lifestyle.

Adriana is the author of the book: Available on Amazon:

28 Days To A New Life: A Holistic Program To Get Fit, Delay Aging, And Enhance Your Mindset

She is also extremely active on her blog Fit N All… one specific article discussing the v*ccines will be the prominent portion of this discussion in this episode. She has become a huge promoter of her stances in regards to the v*ccines and recently put together some educational articles that everyone should explore to truly understand the perspective of anti-mandates and v*x hesitancy without immediately conflating those believers as CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiStS.

In this convo we specifically discuss:

Her transition from Columbia to America
New York City Pre and Post-2020 
Governor Andrew Cuomo + Mayor De Blasio
Government Intervention Failures
V*x Safety & Efficacy + VAERS Reporting
Mandates vs. Law
1905 Court Case: Jacobson vs. Massachusetts
Research Phases of V*X Development
Medical Ethics: Nuremburg Code + Hippocratic Oath
Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (Model Act)
OSHA + Big Pharma
Censorship + Cancel Culture (AGAIN)
Robert Kennedy: The Real Anthony Fauci

And a ton more here and there and in between!

Here's the specific article… She has many others worth reading revolving around these topics as well!

Enjoy. Or not.

Yours Truly.

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