A Message I'd Like to Deliver to All Suffering & Struggling MGTOW Christians & Single Fatherless Men

3 years ago

Filmed on 17/09/2019 AEST

I overlooked one crucial fact, the Bible consists of books written by many authors. Likewise, the world consists of people of highly varying and diverse viewpoints and beliefs. As a result I believe we DON'T have to conform to what the world and what others want us to believe and to do. It's no sin and UTTERLY NOT a shame to have some egos. Since everybody matters a lot more than ordinary people(the vast majority) tend to perceive and care to realise. Period.

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Tag: Good news to MGTOW Christians, Hope you didn't realise you still have as a MGTOW Christian, the ultimate survival plan for MGTOW Christians amidst of nowadays increasingly hostile world, Christian MGTOWs, how can we stick together and remain steadfast, How to remain faithful and steadfast while depressed and feeling defeated, How to overcome trials and sorrows as a single &fatherless man, How to Overcome trials, tribulations and sorrows as a MGTOW Christian, How to always have hope no matter the situation, How to beat shit that happens in your life, How to shake shit off, How to shake shitty people off, How to deal with toxic relationships and people as a man, How to live a spiritually manly life, How to counterattack shit of life, How to counterattack Satan, How to combat depression , etc

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