I’ve Asked Him to Text Me More, But...

3 years ago

Question: I started seeing a guy who is pretty recently divorced and he seems to want to meet up often.

He is attentive as far as hanging out in person, and I enjoy his company, but he isn’t a really frequent texter.

I’m someone who prefers more frequent communication via text. I have tried addressing this with him, and he said he would work on it, but things are new, and I also don’t want to seem too needy or demanding.

We aren’t exclusive.

I’ve been out of town for a week now, and I know he was busy with work, but the level of text communication was minimal, and it makes me feel like he isn’t that interested or wants to be left alone to date/focus on others.

I’m not really sure what to do because I like everything else about him, and things are still really new.

Am I wrong/insecure to interpret the lack of texts as disinterest?

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