Mike in the Night E422 ! Things are Getting Serious ! Canada is in Serious Trouble

2 years ago

Ever since the World Health Organization declared a “worldwide pandemic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci has had a narrow mind about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Presuming Fauci is innocent, it DOES NOT make logical sense that he would utterly disregard a potential lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 from the very beginning. A scientist with his level of experience and expertise should be willing to consider all evidence and ask questions. Instead, he shut down any conversation of a lab leak from the start, even after meeting with scientists who had evidence that the causative agent was of lab origin. Now that his emails are unredacted, it’s now apparent that Fauci had ulterior motives. Even after receiving intel at a secret teleconference, Fauci lied to the world about evidence of lab origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Fauci quickly claimed lab leak a “conspiracy theory” and agreed to a “published takedown” of dissenters
Fauci was so adamant about shutting down scientific debate, he even helped craft an academic paper decrying that the “lab leak theory” was a “conspiracy theory.” In communications with NIH director Francis Collins, Fauci agreed to a “published takedown” of “fringe” scientists from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford. Anyone who questioned Dr. Fauci was promptly labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” and any information about a potential lab leak was labeled “misinformation” and taken down.

Fauci’s utter disregard for a potential lab leak is suspicious, to say the least. As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci approved multiple grants for coronavirus gain-of-function research. Fauci also helped devise a framework and a workaround to continue gain-of-function virology research after it was banned in the United States in 2014. If anyone understood the proclivity of lab leaks, it was Fauci. If anyone is more responsible for potential coronavirus lab leaks, it would be Fauci. He understood the dangers of this bioweapons research, as it was off-shored to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China (where incidentally the first outbreaks began).

To date, an animal reservoir has not been identified as the source for SARS-CoV-2. The SARS-CoV-1 and MERS coronavirus outbreaks that preceded this strain were eventually traced back to an animal reservoir. Today, a lab version of the genetic code for SARS-CoV-2 is being replicated in human cells through new mRNA vaccine technology. This destructive experiment has proven to be nothing more than a profitable endeavor of continued human exploitation that capitalizes from the original spike protein (of which Fauci has done nothing but lie about).

Unredacted emails show Fauci weaponized propaganda to shut down lab leak evidence
Some of the redactions in Fauci’s emails have finally been made public. The unredacted emails reveal that Fauci initiated global efforts to cover up evidence of a laboratory leak as the origins for SARS-CoV-2. He quickly assembled an academic paper (published in Nature) to discredit anyone who suggested the possibility of a lab leak. The academic paper, “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” was written promptly after a Feb 1, 2020 teleconference held by Fauci. Four out of five virologists who authored the paper were on this secret teleconference with Fauci. Three of the authors reported to Fauci that they were “60 to 80 percent sure” that SARS-CoV-2 was of laboratory origin. Their warnings were also conveyed in the now unredacted emails, which immediately followed the teleconference. However, Fauci denied the evidence at a Feb 3 meeting with the National Academy of Scientists — just two days after he received intel on the lab leak.

Scientists around the world provided details about the engineered features of the virus. This evidence was known in February of 2020, before Fauci led a nationwide lock down that harmed countless lives and livelihoods. No matter the evidence, no matter the scientific warnings, Dr. Fauci tried to quash any evidence of a potential lab leak immediately after he was warned. In his testimonies to Congress, Dr. Fauci has since denied he communicated with the authors of the paper. That is now a provable lie. In his testimonies to the Senate, Fauci has since denied the funding of coronavirus gain-of-function research through Peter Daszak. This is now a provable lie. The main beneficiary of Fauci’s gain-of-function coronavirus grants – Dr. Peter Daszak – was one of the signers of Fauci’s propaganda. The paper concluded: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” The paper’s conclusions could be better interpreted as: Heil Fauci! Heil Fauci!

Dr. Anthony Fauci is directly implicated in bioweapons research in China and actively tried to block any evidence or scientific debate about laboratory leaks and the implications thereof. Now that Fauci has been caught in deliberate LIES and DECEIT, and continues to push for perpetual vaccination

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