Is your Acne caused by Digestive Issue?! 3 Simple Ways To Know!🧐

3 years ago

Acne is a pain and it can be caused by a LOT of things! But did you know that one reason why you might be breaking out is your digestive issue?!

Here are 3 questions you need to ask yourself to kind of give you a hint if you need to look into the digestive issue as your acne trigger:

1. Do you breakout after eating certain foods?
2. Do I experience tummy ache or stomach noises after eating a certain food? Do you fart a lot?!💨 Do I experience bad flatulence?
3. How's your toilet experience?🚻

How does digestion issue give you acne? Is this your acne trigger? How can you improve your digestive system to prevent acne?

Lucky for you, I have 8 tips to help with your digestion issue and help clear skin:

1. Drink plenty of water - we need water to carry nutrients to all of our body parts and flush the toxins out.
2. Map out your daily meals - keep a record of the food you ate for the day and see how your body reacts to them.
3. Monitor how regular your bowels are - toxins and wastes need to go out of our bodies, if not, your stomach will get upset and they will show up on your skin as acne.
4. Exercise regularly - increases blood circulation.
5. Avoid highly gassy foods - caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol. Broccoli and cauliflower may case you to release gas too.
6. Avoid gluten - wheat, barley and rye
7. Have Chinese herbal medicine - helped heal my skin together with all of the other tips I mentioned here.
8. Don't stress - very important! You put less work on your body if you do this.

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