Can Men Really Be Monogamous?

2 years ago


My first and only real serious relationship was when I was 21 years old and my then partner was 14 years my senior.

The relationship lasted 13 years until I found out he’s been cheating on me with multiple women—for how long, I’m still not sure!

I took a few years away from dating after that as I wasn’t ready and also I was nervous to get back out there.

Three years ago I met a man and start seeing him casually (he was 9 years older than me).

He wanted more from the relationship than just a casual thing so I agreed we’d give it a go, but it was just a disaster!

Time after time he let me down by being disrespectful in a number of ways, but I’d always end up giving him another chance as our physical attraction towards each other and chemistry was unreal!

This back-and-forth carried on for nearly 2 years until a few months ago I said, “Enough is enough!” and walked away.

I had to block him on every media platform as I was struggling with my decision even though I know in my head it’s the right one.

It’s been six months now and I’m still heartbroken and missing him but going back is definitely not an option.

I know he can’t change who he is, that’s pretty clear at this stage.

How do I get over this or past this? I think about him every moment of every day. I’m not sure why I am feeling so heartbroken over it because we never even fully got the relationship off the ground as he kept setting us back with his poor behavior.

Thanks for reading.

Instagram: @dr.karin

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