Whiskey Sampling - Bone Snapper X Ray Straight Rye Whiskey

3 years ago

Let's sample some Bone Snapper X-Ray Straight Rye Whiskey from BackBone Bourbon Company.

Bone Snapper X-ray is our Reserve Straight Rye Whiskey. For X-ray, we use the same barrels and mash-bill as that used for Bone Snapper original but only after the barrels have aged 4 years or more. The remarkable characteristic of these barrels is how the flavor profile starts to evolve between 3 and 4 years old. The youthful spice (found in Bone Snapper original) starts to give way to a fuller, richer and more complex whiskey. After 4 years, with its new flavor profile fully set, we find this whiskey is ready for bottling.
Mash-bill or Blend: 95% Rye & 5% Malted Barley
Distillation State & City: Lawrenceburg, IN
Backbone Bourbon Company: Whiskey Merchants
Proof: 110
Current Batch: #4
Cases Produced: 200
Tasting Notes: On the nose are notes of pine tree and cinnamon. The first sip gets a decent amount of honey and caramel with hints of peppery spice coming through on a long but smooth finish. If you close your eyes and concentrate, you might taste a little spearmint and eucalyptus in the mid-palate giving this whiskey complexity and freshness.

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