Dedicated to the memory of my Dad

2 years ago

Dedicated to the memory of my Dad

Video location:

North Lake has areas of open parkland and mixed banksia / jarrah / marri woodland. The area is home to a large number and variety of waterfowl which inhabit the lake until it dries out each summer.

North Lake consists of open parkland on the Western side with mixed banksia / jarrah / marri woodland to the east. The area is home to a large number and variety of waterfowl which inhabit the lake until it dries out each summer. A limestone trail circuits the lake and is easily accessed from the car park on Progress Drive. There is also a concrete pathway heading south and connecting to the Bibra Lake pathway network.

There is a small car park at:
141 Progress Dr, North Lake WA 6163

Easy 60 minute walk.

The music track is:
Bring me the sky
by Scott Buckley –

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