RESTREAMED-1 hour Loop-Prophecies being Fulfilled,- Real Reason beyond withdrawal from Afghanistan

3 years ago

This is an important prophetic word follow up message.
Please watch from the beginning to the end or it makes no sense, and the last part is extremely important.

Prophetic words have been coming true.
This year in particular, we're going to see a massive exposure amongst the elite and the powers that be.

Prophecy is not just about money, riches, opportunities, breakthroughs and so on, prophecy is to see what God sees a head of time, to travel the time either into the past or future and say as the Lord commands, not as we wish!
As part of my short term prophecies in my recent videos, exposure of the elites are happening all around the world, but we're focusing here on the UK mainly.
This is only the beginning, more and more will be revealed and exposed, until they crash! This is a prophecy by itself! Mark these prophetic words!

The main stream media is covering the real reason beyond the irrational looking mass exodus of American and NATO forces from Afghanistan, but there's a very rational and logical reason other than what the main stream media has been portraying.

After 20 years of bloody war and loss of millions of lives as well as destroying millions of families from amongst the Afghanis as well as Americans, British and other NATO soldiers, a sudden withdrawal doesn't seem logical, but watch this video, which will shed light on all their evil agenda beyond this, and other things that they have been doing, but recently as a result of our prayers, they're being exposed and can no more be labelled as conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy reality and conspiracy facts.
.Middle East is and has always been and shall always be the centre of all geopolitical issues in the world, due to the fact that the countries in the region are totally blessed with all natural reserves man can imagine, but unfortunately a handful of globalists who want to control the world have been keeping a close eye on those countries and try anything they can to exploit them under the pretexts of gifting them democracy-something that doesn't even exist-and eradicating terrorism, which is really created by themselves.
Lithium is in the heart of all this mad war between the superpowers as they all want access to almost unlimited reserves of Lithium as well as other minerals and gold, and oil, so they can control, manipulate and rule more and easier.
As part of their delayed agenda, Electric cars are something that all the powers seem to want to impose on people under the disguise of green environment and zero carbon emission goal. This already has and will put more lives and families at risk of losing their livelihood and ordinary people will be off the roads for good due the costs involved, and all the rules they're b=ringing to make life very difficult for the motorists.
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