3 years ago

Even though this video is a few weeks old, the Emergencies Act and Trudeau's defiance of the Freedom Convoy's plea to end the Mandates is based upon his crooked kickbacks from the creation of lipid nanoparticles that he has control of.

The liberal government of Canada gets payments for every single shot that is administered throughout the world. This is why he is adamant upon declaring the peaceful protest which is supposed to be protected under the Charter of Rights as being some racist, violent movement which it clearly is not.

Under the Emergencies Act Trudeau can now label anyone who supports the Freedom Convoy or just oppose his leadership as being terrorists and can confiscate everything that individual possesses.

This Act is pure evil. It's only supposed to be available at times of National Emergencies such as being invaded by a hostile country, but Trudeau considers Truckers as being terrorists that desire to destroy the fabric of Canadian sovereignty.

Justin Trudeau is a madman on par with Hitler, Mao and Lenin. The future of Canada is now in the hands of the citizens of Canada. They must continue to protest and demand the government to account for the obvious conflict of interest of vaccine administration and the money he receives because of it.

Justin Trudeau is now the most hated man on the planet. He must be relinquished of his position immediately or Canada becomes a banana republic.

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