Whistleblow in Good Faith

3 years ago

Citizens that act as whistleblowers do so in good faith; they do it to protect children and property from those who do not act in good faith. Money is usually the motivation behind bad actors acting in bad faith; they do not care for others. As care-less stewards they steal the innocence of children and the good faith and trust adults instill in them as children are turned over into their care. STOP THEM FROM HURTING CHILDREN BEFORE IRREPARABLE DAMAGE CAN BE DONE. In reporting them to authorities, one must state verbally and place in writing, that 'you are whistleblowing (reporting perceived illegal activity) to authorities'. It then becomes their duty to investigate and protect you against retaliation and bullying by those whose money laundering machine and carelessness have been compromised.

https://sbe.wa.gov › sites › default › files › public › meetings › May-2020 › Private Schools approvals.pdf

Legislation passed in 2018 (HB 2824) changed the Board's role in relationship to private schools. The private school approval process shifted from a shared responsibility of the Office of the Superintendent of Public (OSPI) and the SBE to a responsibility of the SBE.
Private Schools | SBE - Washington State Board of Education

Search domain sbe.wa.govhttps://sbe.wa.gov › faqs › private_schools
Private schools must have health and safety inspections of the school buildings, provide instruction by Washington state certificated teachers (or by teachers supervised by a certificated teacher or administrator), and must meet instruction time requirements (a minimum of 1,000 hours or 180 days per year) and subject area requirements.

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