COVID-19 Bio-Attack Smoking Gun!

3 years ago

In November, 2019, who could possibly have known that the COVID-19 pandemic was brewing in Wuhan? Only the people who unleashed it! That's why the April 2020 ABC News story detailing US intelligence agency foreknowledge amounts to a "smoking gun." For the full story, read Ron Unz's free "Our COVID-19 Catastrophe" ebook:

Scroll down for Ron Unz's brief 10-point outline of his analysis.

Note: The ABC News report "US intelligence agencies warned of virus in November " and a 14-second snippet of Robert Cray's song "Smoking Gun" are included in this video under the Fair Use doctrine protecting creative expression. The meaning of both cited works has been adapted to the argument advanced in this video, and thus substantially altered for creative purposes in accordance with the Fair Use provision.

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Ron Unz writes:

It might be useful for me to summarize my analysis in simple bullet-point format:

(1) Over the decades America has spent $100 billion creating the world’s largest biowarfare capability.

(2) In 2017 Trump brings on board Robert Kadlec, who had been America’s leading biowarfare advocate since the late 1990s.

(3) In 2018 and 2019 mysterious viral epidemics devastate China’s poultry and pork industries, severely damaging China’s food supply.

(4) From January to August, Kadlec runs the Federal/State “Crimson Contagion” exercise in which our government officials practice their strategies of protecting American society from infection by a hypothetical dangerous respiratory virus that suddenly might appear in China.

(5) Late October, 300 American military servicemen visit Wuhan to participate in the World Military Games.

(6) Late October/Early November, Patient Zero in Wuhan becomes infected with Covid. The virus spreads invisibly until the Chinese government discovers its presence near the end of December. The Chinese government finally reacts in mid-January.

(7) Early January, America assassinates Iran’s top military leader, with an Iranian retaliatory missile strike nearly leading to war.

(8) Mid/Late January, the Wuhan virus suddenly jumps 3,500 miles to the Holy City of Qom, soon infecting Iran’s top political elites, with a number of them dying as a consequence. By February, Iran has become the second global epicenter of the Covid outbreak despite having an minuscule Chinese population, while the later outbreaks in Italy and Spain are in locations with hundreds of thousands of Chinese.

(9) Early March, the Iranian government publicly accuses America of having launched a biowarfare attack with Covid against Iran and China, including a formal complaint to the UN. Virtually no Western media reports those accusations, so almost no Americans are aware of them.

(10) Early April, four intelligence sources tell ABC News that a secret November DIA report described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak taking in Wuhan, but this had been ignored by the Trump Administration. Israeli TV confirms that Israel received that report, which had been produced “in the second week of November.” According to best estimates, perhaps a dozen people in Wuhan, a city of 11 million, were starting to feel a little sick at that point in time.

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